AIM-CUE Show Version

Show Version

I have to be honest here, I’m a little bit disappointed with this CLI command, we all are used to see different data when executing “show version”, things like IOS versions, for example.

Well, as you can see below, that is definitely NOT the case for our AIM-CUE, I think this output is most suitable for a classic “show inventory” where we get to know additional details about the hardware and their serial numbers, anyways here you are, the weird AIM-CUE show version CLI command.

CUE-751> show version 
CPU Model:                    Celeron (Coppermine)
CPU Speed (MHz):              298.909
CPU Cache (KByte):            128
BogoMIPS:                     587.77
Chassis Type:                 C3845
Chassis Serial:               FTX1051XXXX
Module Type:                  AIM
Module Serial:                FOC1219XXXX
SDRAM (MByte):                256

Where to go from here?